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Los Balcones

Spanish Language Class

We have a new beginners spnish class starting on Monday 30th May at 10.00am. Please call for more details: 966 71 80 76

Please add your notice to Almoradi Life as there are potentially clients interested. Thanks

Commented Rio in Almoradi 2011-05-20 11:26:58 UTC

Why not consider our Banner advertising - you can set it up easily and amend it as and when required to advertise new courses etc....and only €25 per month (no minimum term, no contract, pay as you go!)

Commented Benijofar Life in Benijofar 2011-05-20 13:16:30 UTC


Wanted Properties For Sale in the Almoradi and Surrounding Areas
Please send me an email for more details



The World Cup will be in Torrevieja this weekend. You can go along and have your photo taken with it. From 10.00am to 9.00pm, the cup will be at the Teatro Municipal.



Learn Basic Spanish Words 1- Simple Greetings
Few things are as embarrassing as meeting someone who speaks a different language and not even being able to say hello to them. Use the following Spanish phrases:

Hola = Hello

Good Morning = Buenos Dias

Good Afternoon = Buenas Tardes

Good Evening = Buenas Noches

See You Later = Hasta Luego

Goodbye = Adios


Do you like so many of us put service contact details on bits of paper? Yes? then now all you have to do is list the Services by way of recommendation on this your local community website.
Help us to build a strong Community here in LOS Balcones Life!

Los Balcones

Yes I can relate to that, I am always hunting round for old newspapers which I have seen contact details, or lost the scrap of paper.
It is a brilliant idea to recommend good services because far too often we have to put up with shoddy stuff, like the so called builders (Brits) who fitted my kitchen when I moved here 5 years ago. Wish this site was up and running then, would have saved me 1,000s

Commented rossellewells in Los Balcones 2011-05-20 10:57:18 UTC

Spanish Language Class

We have a new beginners spanish language class starting on Monday 30th May at 10.00am. Please call 966 71 80 76 for more details

Spanish Language Class

We have a new beginners spanish language class starting on Monday 30th May at 10.00am. Please call 966 71 80 76 for more details


We have a new beginners class starting on Monday 30th May at 10am. Please call for more details on 966 71 80 76.


Do you like so many of us put service contact details on bits of paper? Yes? then now all you have to do is list the Services by way of recommendation on this your local community website.
Help us to build a strong Community here in La Siesta, San Luis Life

Urb la Siesta
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